Heirloom Seeds & Poultry
1878 230th Street, Calamus, IA 52729
(563) 246-2299
Sweet Potatoes
(259 varieties to choose from, well before the Derecho of 2020, now we are struggling to recover)
Please note most of the photos were taken in April ( where the root is cut open)and the sweet potatoes were dug in early October. This is to give an indication of the storage capabilities of each variety. All of our written descriptions are made from freshly dug roots in October and as the roots age colors change on many. The skin surfaces become duller and the flesh colors yellow in white varieties. All of these photos were taken on the top of a freezer underneath grow lights in the basement where the roots are stored. We are still working with the program as some appear fine on the view screen and then do not show up online the same way.
We are very sorry for all of the unavailable varieties. On August 9,2020 we tilled between the rows in anticipation of an upcoming rain storm. As we plant on black plastic and our soil is very sandy it makes planning for tillage before a rain a necessity to make the best use of the moisture. Our soil is quirky and if not disturbed after a rain will actually hold the moisture down a few inches very well but if tilled after a rain will wick out the moisture quickly. On August 10 we had a Derecho or land hurricane that gave us 100 mph winds for close to an hour and the devastation was great. We were blessed with no lost buildings or livestock but many all across the state lost homes, buildings and had near total devastation. Our worst damage was the areas where I tilled the day before and the loose sand was picked up by the wind and ripped the plastic out of the ground and literally rolled the plants up like you would roll up a soft shell taco . We lost many sweet potatoes and tomatoes and peppers. Where we have a supply of sweet potatoes they were planted in another section that had not been tilled and they did very well. We will work overtime to try to get things all back to normal ASAP. We sure hope we do not totally lose any varieties.
We are hopeful some of the lost ones are still in someones hands and we can get them back. Please contact us if you know of the whereabouts of any of the missing ones.
8633 - Early. Bush, normal leaf, reddish-orange skin, orange flesh, above average yield. A great producer but a less than ideal slip producer. Erratic slip production is the biggest issue with this variety and makes supply a bit challenging again this year .This is one variety that tends to start starting about mid June in abundance. Certified Organic Slips, 6 for $10.00. THIS ONE WILL RARELY BE AVAILABLE BEFORE MID JUNE. BE PATIENT, IT SPROUTS LATE BUT GROWS FAST
Acadian- Early-midseason, bush, normal leaf, deep copper orange skin and flesh. Slip production is too difficult to predict so we will be working on a method to get a more reliable crop. We hope to offer this variety as soon as we get the quirks worked out. Certified Organic Slips, UNAVAILABLE FOR 2025. ANYONE WITH THIS PLEASE CONTACT US. WE LOST ALL INTHE DERECHO OF 2020.
Allgold - Early. Vining, tan skin with orange flesh, heavy yields. It does best in heavy soils. In our loosest sand it is difficult to get the roots dug without breaking them. In our “heavier” soil areas, it does fine. Introduced in 1952 by Oklahoma. State. Certified Organic Slips. UNAVAILABLE FOR 2025. ANYONE WITH THIS PLEASE CONTACT US. WE LOST ALL INTHE DERECHO OF 2020.
Amish White Bunch
Amish White Bunch
(Heirloom Variety) Early/ Mid-season. Vining, normal leaf, cream colored skin, creamy white flesh. Roots are primarily directly under the plant. Certified Organic Slips. Thanks to Catherine Walters and the Lepperts for saving this one. 6 slips for $10.00, 12 slips for $17.50.
Apache - Early/midseason. Vining, normal leaf, pale orange skin and flesh, above average yield. Developed by the USDA in 1959 from a cross of Yellow Yam and Nancy Hall with a cross of Pelican Processor and Triumph. Certified Organic Slip. UNAVAILABLE FOR 2025. Lost to voles and rabbits, anyone with this one please contact us.
Arkansas Gold
Arkansas Gold- Early, Bush, beautiful dark red purple, deep green leaves. A sport that showed up on Arkansas Red Leaf that produces golden -tan colored skin with a bright yellow flesh. Certified Organic Slips, 6 slips for $10.00 THIS ONE WILL RARELY BE AVAILABLE BEFORE MID JUNE. BE PATIENT, IT SPROUTS LATE BUT GROWS FAST
Arkansas Red
Arkansas Red - (Heirloom Variety) Early. Vining, normal leaf, deep pink/red skin, orange flesh, high yield. Certified Organic Slips. 6 slips for $10.00, 12 slips for $17.50, 25 slips for $32.50. THIS ONE WILL RARELY BE AVAILABLE BEFORE MID JUNE. BE PATIENT, IT SPROUTS LATE BUT GROWS FAST
Beetlejuice (formerly W-392) - Early/Mid-season. Semi-bush, deep cut leaves, readily flowers. Copper pink-orange skin, pale orange flesh, good yields. In 2012, when we were hit hard with Japanese Beetles, this variety was covered day after day in the starting bed with beetles. In 2013, with less beetles, we still could find this variety covered with Japanese Beetles to the point where it glistened from 200 feet away. They were attracted to it now (2015) 3 years in a row. It made spraying easy as the bugs concentrated on this variety. Saved spray (Organic Pyganic), saved time and still this variety produced a great crop. Only problem is that it is not a prolific sprouter. Certified Organic Slips, UNAVAILABLE IN 20254, VOLE DAMAGE. THIS ONE WILL RARELY BE AVAILABLE BEFORE MID JUNE. BE PATIENT, IT SPROUTS LATE BUT GROWS FAST
Canada Beauty
Canada Beauty- Early. vining, rapid viner and thin but thick dense foliage. Very high yields of pale orange fleshed pinkish skinned roots. One would not normally think of having such great yields early on from a variety that has so much vine growth . Certified Organic Slips, Back in 2026, first the rabbits grubbed them to the ground, then they bounced back and the voles got them under the ground.
Carolina Ruby
Carolina Ruby - Early. Vigorous vines, normal leaf, ruby red skin, deep orange flesh, high yield. Roots all under the main plant. Developed from an open pollinated seedling of Beauregard in 1988. Certified Organic Slips. 6 slips for $10.00. THIS ONE WILL RARELY BE AVAILABLE BEFORE MID JUNE. BE PATIENT, IT SPROUTS LATE BUT GROWS FAST
Carver - Early. Mid-season. Vining, normal leaf, deep orange skin and flesh. Developed at the Tuskegee Institute from a cross of Centennial and Jewel. Certified Organic Slips. 6 slips for $10.00, 12 slips for $17.50, 25 slip for $32.50. Thanks to Greg Sellmeyer for saving this one. THIS ONE WILL RARELY BE AVAILABLE BEFORE MID JUNE. BE PATIENT, IT SPROUTS LATE BUT GROWS FAST
Continental Red
Continental Red- (Heirloom Variety) Early. Semi-bush, cut leaf, pink-red skin, light orange flesh, above average yield. Edmond Brown in southern Missouri obtained this one in the early 1990’s. Thanks to Catherine Walters and Dan Livingston for saving this one. Certified Organic slips. 6 slips for $10.00.
Cook's Family Heirloom
Cook’s Family Heirloom- Early. Vining, normal leaves, many pink red skinned orange flesh roots under the plant. Very high yields. For the best storage they need to be dug prior to the soil becoming cold or wet. Certified Organic Slips. 6 slips for $10.00, 12 slips for $17.50. Thanks to Jared Scoville for saving it.
Delaware Purple
Delaware Purple - Early. Purple red skin, intense white flesh, vigorous vines, fantastic yields. This one never seems to fail with nice uniform roots. We routinely make late plantings around July 18and still get a decent yield of uniform roots by October 2. Certified Organic Slips, 3 slips for $10.00. this one is very popular with rabbits , voles and people. Entire row was eaten off by rabbits until early August. I was impressed I got anything.
Edna Evans
Edna Evans- (Heirloom Variety) Mid-season. Vining, normal leaf, salmon colored skin, orange flesh, average yields. Barbara Lund originally gathered this one from the rural parts of Ohio. Thanks to Catherine Walters for saving this. Certified Organic Slips. 6 slips for $10.00, 12 slips for $17.50, 25 slips for $32.00, 50 slips $60.00.
Eureka - Mid-season. Vigorous vines, normal leaf, carrot orange skin, orange flesh, roots tend to be large carrot shape , thin and very long in great abundance, average yield. I think this one would be great for heavy clay soils as it should force the roots to plump up. Certified Organic Slips.UNAVAILABLE FOR 2025. ANYONE WITH THIS PLEASE CONTACT US. WE LOST ALL IN THE DERECHO OF 2020.
Georgia Jet
Georgia Jet- Early. Vining, normal leaf, pink-/red skin, orange flesh, above average yield. While this continues to be a popular variety, I find it to be one of the least desirable ones to grow. Yes, it is early. Yes, it gets big, but it cooks up mushy It doesn’t have the flavor or resistance to cracking that some of the other varieties we carry have. We sincerely hope that you will try some of the more flavorful heirlooms that we offer. While you may not get an 8 to 10 pound “whopper”, you’re going to get something that will tantalize your taste buds with the heirlooms. We have been working with a new clone of this from Duck Creek Farms and it has much better crack resistance. In 2017 we planted our crop July 6 and harvested in early October with over 99% usable sized crack free roots. We hope to continue to select for top quality roots. 2018 also proved to see this selection rise in favorability. 2024 showed continued good quality crack free roots. Certified Organic Slips, 6 slips for $10.00 , 12 slips for $17.50, 25 slips for $32.00.
Georgia Red
Georgia Red- Mid-season. Semi-bush, normal leaf, tan/orange skin, deep orange flesh, above average yield. While this has the name Georgia Red, it has always been the same color as indicated above (and has never been red) I’ve grown it for over 20 years. This may not be the same sweet potato that people in the South call Georgia Red. Certified Organic Slips, 3 for $10.00
Ginseng Red
Ginseng Red- (Heirloom Variety) Early. Large, semi-bush, cut leaf, pinkish/red skin, light orange flesh, excellent yield. Obtained in 1989 from Benny Michiti in Virginia whose wife’s father had been growing it for over 40 years. Flavor improves if kept for 6 weeks. Thanks to Catherine Walters for saving this. Certified Organic Slips. 6 slips for $10.00, 12 slips for $17.50, 25 slips for $32.00.
Hayman - (Heirloom Variety) Mid-season. Vining, normal leaf, cream colored skin, cream flesh, average yield. Plants tend to produce very large numbers of smaller sized roots. This one never seems to get very large, but flavor is good. Certified Organic Slips, 6 slips for $10.00, 12 slips for $17.50.
Hernandez- Mid-season. Vigorous vines normal leaf, dark orange skin, dark orange flesh. Tends to be very moist when cooked, above average yields. Slow to sprout. Most likely not shipped before June 15. Introduced in 1992 by Louisiana State University. Certified Organic Slips,Unavailable for 2025.
Hong Hong
Hong Hong - Early. Semi-bush, normal leaf, purple skin, white flesh, flowers early, large roots located under plant. One of my favorite ones to grow as it can bulk up so fast you can get some real big ones. When we first tried eating them we baked them wrapped in foil and it was just mediocre in flavor. In April after the starting beds were made there were a few extra so I dry roasted them in a pan in the oven and wow they were delicious.Certified Organic Slips, Thanks to the Vanderhart family in Nebraska for saving this one, after we lost it to the Derecho. Unavailable in 2025, rabbits, voles.
Ivis White Cream
Ivis White Cream- (Heirloom Variety) Early. Vining, normal leaf, cream skin, cream flesh, uniform roots, excellent yields. Obtained in 1989 from Dorothy Walters in Tennessee who got it from her husbands uncle. A true Tennessee heirloom. I have always enjoyed this variety since first obtaining it 30 years ago. It makes the best sweet potato cake. Certified Organic Slips. 6 slips for $10.00 , 12 slips for $17.50, 25 slips for $32.00, 50 slips for $60.00
Ivy Leaf Carver
Ivy Leaf Carver- Early. Semi-bush, ivy leaf, pinkish-red skin, light orange flesh, above average yield. We are very sorry, the USDA sent us the wrong Carver many years ago. This is a worthy variety, but is not the true Carver. Certified Organic Slips. 6 slips for $10.00, 12 slips for $17.50, 25 slips for $32.00, 50 slips for $60.00.
Japanese- (Heirloom Variety) Early. Semi-bush, cut leaf, pink-red skin, pale orange flesh, excellent yields. This is another one of our consistently reliable producers. Thanks to the Lepperts for saving this after our Derecho losses. Certified Organic Slips 6 slips for $10.00, 12 slips for $17.50, 25 slips for $32.00
Jewel- Mid-season. Semi-bush, normal leaf, above average yields, tends to produce medium sized roots regardless of the season length. Has light orange skin with light orange flesh, on the moist side. Developed By North Carolina Department of Agriculture in 1970. Certified Organic Slips. 3 slips for $10.00
Korean Purple
Korean Purple- (Heirloom Variety) Early. Vining, dark green colored normal leaves, purple skin, white flesh, excellent yield. Very sweet when baked with the skins on. Obtained from Benny Michiti in Virginia in 1989. In the early days of listing this we could not get a soul to request it, now it is the one most sought after. Proof that once people get over their shock of something different, things can change. In 1989 the thought of having a sweet potato that was purple on the outside was just not acceptable. Certified Organic Slips, Unavailable for 2025. we were hopeful the meager roots we harvested in 2020 would get us back in stock for 2024 but the voles attacked each of our plantings
Magoffin- (Heirloom Variety) Mid-season. Sent to us by customer to add to our collection. Old-fashioned white skinned, dry flesh from KY. Does not tend to produce roots under the plant. Certified Organic Slips. UNAVAILABLE FOR 2025. ANYONE WITH THIS PLEASE CONTACT US. WE LOST ALL IN THE DERECHO OF 2020.
Myanmar Purple
Myanmar Purple - Early. Vining, normal leaf, purplish stems and leaves that start out deep purple, magenta purple skin, white flesh with purple streaks. For years we struggled with this one. It seemed to not keep well, didn't sprout well.However the foliage is beautiful. Finally we conquered the problems. Ironically the ones planted July2 ,2021 and harvested in early October were really too large, some weighed 4 or more pounds. Those planted July 18 were just the right size Certified Organic Slips, 6 slips for $10.00, 12 slips for $17.50, 25 slips for $32.00.
Nancy Hall
Nancy Hall- (Heirloom Variety) Midseason. Vining, normal leaf, creamy yellow skin and flesh, excellent flavor, but roots never get very large. We have selected only from the highest yielding plants and have a good yielding selection now. Certified Organic Slips. 6 slips for $10.00, 12 slips for $17.50, 25 slips for $32.00
New Jersey Red
New Jersey Red - (Heirloom Variety) Early. Vining, normal leaf, copper orange skin, orange flesh, high yield. Certified Organic Slips, 6 slips for $10.00 , 12 slips for $17.50, 25 slips for $32.,00. THIS ONE WILL RARELY BE AVAILABLE BEFORE MID JUNE. BE PATIENT, IT SPROUTS LATE BUT GROWS FAST
Okinawan - Late. Vining, tough to get a crop. White skin, varying degrees of purple flesh. We are not pleased with the current selection that we have and the erratic nature with which it yields and how it does not produce a high percentage of purple flesh roots. This variety needs to have just the right minerals in the soil to get nice purple fleshed roots. It appears to only have super flavor when grown in volcanic rich soils. Certified Organic Slips, 6 slips for $10.00
Okinawan Purple
Okinawan Purple- Late, Vining, thick heavy foliage , produces a number of roots away from the plant in all directions. skin is off white with a purple flesh. This is the latest variety we grow and needs a very long season and lots of heat. It will produce tons of foliage but rarely many sweet potatoes.Certified Organic Slips, Unavailable in 2025
Oklahoma Korean Purple
Oklahoma Korean Purple- Mid-season. vigorous vines, average yield. Purple skin, white flesh. Our friend George Mc Laughlin had a friend of his send us this one that she had purchased at a Korean grocery in Oklahoma City, not the same as our Korean Purple. Certified Organic Slips, 6 slips for $10.00; 12 slips for $17.50, 25 slips for $32.00.
Old Brazil
Old Brazil- (Heirloom Variety) Mid-season. Vining, normal leaf, white skin, white flesh, above average yield. Very few roots (if any) directly under the center of the plant. Frequently they are up to 3 or 4 feet away from the center of the plant. A great variety to confuse the voles, rats and gophers. Certified Organic Slips, Unavailable for 2025 lost
Pumpkin Yam
Pumpkin Yam- (Heirloom Variety) Early. Vining, normal leaf, orange skin, light orange flesh, excellent yields. Slow to sprout. We have worked with this one for years and have finally got it to sprout better and somewhat earlier.Certified Organic Slips, 6 slips for $10.00, 12 slips for $17.50.
Purple- (Heirloom variety) Early. Vining, normal leaf, deep purple roots with deep pale purple flesh. Slow to sprout. This one can produce some very large roots in a short period of time. Most likely not shipped before June 15. Certified Organic Slips, 6 slips for $10.00, 12 slips for $17.50, 25 slips for $32.00. Ken Jensen sent us a plant and Bradley Secraw a few roots s in 2022 so we now have a good supply of this one, the first purple sweet potato available when we started in 1990 and in my opinion still the best.
Purple Torpedo
Purple Torpedo- Vining, back in 2018 we had a seed germinate from the previous years crop in the garden in amongst what in 2018 was now corn. It grew with such vigor that I left it came back and harvested at the end of the season and was surprised at the yield. planted those roots for slips in 2019 and got a good amount of roots and shared some with coworkers at school to taste test. They pronounced it very good. I increased in 2020 to offer for 2021 then the Derecho destroyed all but one small plant so we started over. This one is worthy of trial. Certified Organic Slips. 6 slips for $10.00.
Schaum's Purple
Schaum's Purple- Midseason. Vining, normal leaf, deep purple skin, purple flesh, very uniform, high yields. Developed by Gary Schaum to try to create a sweeter purple variety. Saved from the Derecho losses by Rebecca Hartman.Certified Organic Slips, 6 slips for $10.00, 12 slips for $17.50, 25 slips for $32.00
Southern Delite
Southern Delite - Mid-season. Vigorous vines, thin stringy vines, pink-red skin, pink-orange flesh, medium yields. Developed at USDA ARS Clemson in 1986, known for variable color dependent upon soil type. UNAVAILABLE FOR 2025. ANYONE WITH THIS PLEASE CONTACT US. WE LOST ALL IN THE DERECHO OF 2020.
Spanish Red Improved
Spanish Red Improved - Late. Vining, cut leaf, long roots, red skin, creamy yellow flesh, below average yield in our sand but can do well some years. It was sent to us as an improved strain from the Cline Quall's family of Virginia. Certified Organic Slips, UNAVAILABLE FOR 2025. ANYONE WITH THIS PLEASE CONTACT US. WE LOST ALL IN THE DERECHO OF 2020.
Stoker Red
Stoker Red- Late. Vining, normal leaf, pale red skin, salmon colored flesh, average yields. This variety originated from the old Fred Stoker and Sons plant farm in Tennessee that sent out many slips in years gone by. Certified Organic Slips. UNAVAILABLE FOR 2025. ANYONE WITH THIS PLEASE CONTACT US. WE LOST ALL IN THE DERECHO OF 2020.
Sumor- Early. Vining, medium pale green normal leaves, cream white skin, white flesh, plants frequently flower, above average yield. After several months in storage I have found these to be a near suitable substitute for Irish potatoes. Developed at the USDA ARS in South Carolina. Certified Organic Slips, 6 slips for $10.00.
Sweet Red
Sweet Red - Early. Very vigorous vines, normal leaf, deep red skin, deep orange flesh, above average yield. Late slip producer. Developed at North Carolina State University. Certified Organic Slips, 6 slips for $10.00, 12 slips for $17.50, 25 slips for $32.00. Thanks to Greg Sellmeyer for saving this one
Wapsi Red
Wapsi Red- Early, Vining, smaller normal leaves. This showed up as a sport root on Violetta and has purplish red skin with orange flesh. It has a tendency to produce lots of vines but still set usable roots at a very early stage. In 2018 we had lots of 1-2 pound roots at 76 days from planting. Very high yields . Surprisingly after the storm in 2020 and replanting the plants this one did the best at regrowing and producing a crop. Hit hard this year by rodents and rabbits. Certified Organic slips. 6 slips for $10.00
Wetumpka Red
Wetumpka Red- Midseason, Vining, most likely the true Georgia Red sent to us by a professor
( Kenneth Rogers) who was at the college where Georgia Red was developed Mr. Rogers obtained this strain from the breeder in 1971 so this is most likely the true Georgia Red. He cautioned that careful selection has to be made as the roots will go pale which is probably the reason the strain I obtained in 1988 is the paler version. . Reddish skin and orange flesh. Certified Organic slips 6 slips for $10.00, 12 slips for $17.50, 25 slips for $32.00, 50 slips for $60.00