Heirloom Seeds & Poultry
1878 230th Street, Calamus, IA 52729
(563) 246-2299
(184 varieties) ALL SECTIONS UPDATED FOR 2025
Plant seeds about 4 inches apart in rows 3 feet apart. Short season types can be planted closer in row separation, late season large stalked varietes do best when it is 8 to 10 inches between plants. We have so many open pollinated corns it has always been a challenge to decide what to list here. After much thought, we will now have sort of a rotating corn listing. We won’t be discontinuing varieties. They will just float in and out of the catalog as we get a decent seed supply. Some popular items will be grown and listed every year. Others will be rotated in and out every few years.
Corn Note: We have a huge corn collection and are constantly looking for efficient ways to maintain it and to share the most worthy with the public. We have the privilege of having a long season and have studied the wind and weather patterns for some time. We cannot guarantee that an occasional mix up won’t occur but we do take care to control as much as we are able and will not offer those that pollination times perhaps overlapped or distances were not great enough. In 2010 we started planting corn on May 2 and finished in early July. In one case we were planting a variety next to one that we were preparing to harvest a few days later. We started harvesting our first corn for seed in mid July and finished up the end of October. For example, Dakota White was planted next to Truckers Favorite Yellow. Dakota White was done tasseling and nearly ready to pick for seed with a plant height of 5 feet when Truckers Favorite Yellow had yet to tassel and was getting close to 12 feet tall.
We are hopeful that everyone will try to grow at least one non GMO variety this year to counteract the sad state of affairs our world has come to with the near total reliance on GMO corn. There are many worthwhile , nutritious open pollinated varieties that can truly feed the world with a higher nutritive value product than the increasingly lower food value GMO material.
WITH THE CONSTANT POSTAGE INCREASES WE HAVE HAD TO RAISE PACKET PRICES. We decided to not have a high shipping charge and instead raise packet prices on items that weigh the most . For example if your order just 5 packets of corn seed it puts the cost to mail at almost $10.00. If you only paid $2.00 per packet for the corn and $4 for shipping we are getting less than $3.00 by the time you are considering packets, labels etc.
Used for feed and cornmeal. Who says cornmeal has to be yellow or white? Try a multicolored one and experience some new taste treats. ( 70 varieties to choose from)Updated FOR 2025.
110 days - Really a flinty dent, unique corn that really doesn’t fit a flint or a dent. 8 inch yellow ears are well protected and 10 foot plants handle drought well. The following is from the breeder Dr. Frank Kutka: 1776 is an 8 line synthetic based on diverse inbreds from Iowa State University and Pennsylvania State University. A synthetic variety is one formed by crossing together a number of inbred lines that all cross well together. These lines represent the descendants of Reid's Yellow Dent, Lancaster, Iowa Stiff Stalk Synthetic, Minnesota 13, and flints from the Northeast, and the population can now be maintained like any other Open Pollinated variety. 2 oz. Pkt. $2.50 Certified Organic Seed
Boone County White
Boone County White - 135 days - Wow! What a corn! Final plant height was just over 16 feet with the average ear height at 10 feet off the ground. Ears average about 11 inches in length with 16 to 20 rows of white kernels per cob. 2 oz. Pkt. $2.00; 4 Pkts. $7.50 Certified Organic Seed
Cherokee Squaw
Cherokee Squaw- 110 days. One of the first dent corns I obtained back in 1980 from Dr. Wyche a member of the Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma. He sent it to me with that name and with the history of how it came with the Cherokee on their forced trip from their homeland to Oklahoma. While the name has become offensive it is always our policy to protect a varieties integrity by not randomly changing names. We cannot change the past, only learn from it and hopefully not forget the past so it does not occur again. Educate about past mistakes and use that knowledge to not let them happen again. You cannot cover up and change what has happened you can only change what will happen in the future by education and by your actions. Pkt. 2 oz. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed UNAVAILABLE FOR 2025
Chicken- 120 days- a cross made by Darrel Jones of Cherokee Squaw and aUSDA variety know for its high methionine levels. this variety makes an excellent feed corn for poultry where methionine is a very important nutrient for good strong embryos
when you are incubating eggs. Kernels are yellow, purple and some white. 2 oz. Pkt $3.00 Certified Organic Seed
Hawkeye Gold
A selection from Ernest Strubbe's early dent corns that has a mix of kernel colors that are the colors of the University of Iowa. Most all ears have a mix of black and gold colors with some all black ears and some all yellow kernels and an occasional purple kernel shade shows up. 2 ounce packet $2.50 Certified Organic Seed
Howard Cory's Red
Howard Cory’s Red- 120 days - 8 foot stalks, 12 to 16 rows of red kernels on 6 inch ears. Howard Cory was one of the first Seed Savers Exchange members. Howard donated a lot of time and effort to the Iowa State Fair. He put on many plant and animal exhibits. This corn was his selection for decoration of the booths. 2 oz. Pkt. $2.00 Certified Organic Seed
Mesquakie Indian
Mesquakie Indian- 120 days - 8 foot plants of highly colored, glistening ears that are either shades of red with yellow or purple with yellow. A local heirloom that came from a now deceased lady, Marie Ketelsen. It dates back many years to an early selection made in this area in the 1800’s. Over the years it has added some different genes and has become adapted to the local climate and soil and is a terrific yielder. We are fully aware this variety has most likley changed considerably since it was first obtained in the 1800's by the Ketelsen family but we are maintaining it the way it was given to us back in the 1990's prior to Marie's passing. 2 oz. Pkt. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed
Nebraska - 115 days - Plants average about 9 feet tall and have good stalk standability. Ears have good, tight husks that then become more open as they mature, decreasing the time to dry down yet protecting the ear from insect damage in the early stages. One to two 10 inch ears with 14 to 18 rows of medium yellow kernels per red cob. 2 oz. Pkt. $2.50 Certified Organic Seed
Northwestern Red
Northwestern Red- 90 days- 5 to 6 foot plants, 8 to 10 inch ears of red kernels with a white cap. Only a semi-dent. As with all capped corns some color variation can occur. Does very well in short season climates and with less water than most. (An old Oscar Will variety) 2 oz. Pkt. $2.00 Certified Organic Seed
Preacher Hill
Preacher Hill- 122 days - 10 foot stalks, 8 rows of yellow kernels. Missouri heirloom. One of the first varieties obtained from the Seed Saves Exchange back in 1981 through the Growers Network. Lots of history with this one, more to be printed later. 2 oz. Pkt. $2.50; 4 Pkts $8.00; 1 lb. $15.00 Certified Organic Seed
Pride of Saline Yellow
Pride of Saline Yellow- 120 days- our good friends from southern Missouri Pam and Edmund Brown sent us this variety that is adapted to that part of the world but it did phenomenal here. Planted June 7, it tasseled in mid August and was mature by mid October. 12-13 foot stalks produce 2 very large, girthy and long ears with a pale yellow kernel color. 2 oz. Pkt. $2.50, 1 lb. $12.50 ; 5 lbs. $40.00 Certified Organic Seed.
Rebellion (Cycle 0)
Rebellion (Cycle 0)- 115 days This is a new Open Pollinated variety synthesized by crossing together classic inbreds and some Open Pollinated lines from the central corn belt and beyond. Its heritage includes lines descended from Reid's Yellow Dent, Lancaster, MN 13, Pride of Saline, Cateto flints from Argentina, Iowa Stiff Stalk Synthetic, Iodent, and more. It carries the Ga1s allele from popcorn and should be more resistant to outcrossing with other dent corn, but will readily cross with popcorn and pollinate any corn. It should not be planted near any popcorn fields.The development of this variety was carried out by Frank Kutka with support from the Organic Farming Research Foundation and the assistance of university corn breeders. Management of this trait will be very important for seed savers and everyone is invited to learn more about the trait via this video Breeding "Organic Ready" Corn with Gametophytic Incompatibility on YouTube. Frank sent us this variety to help perpetuate it this year. I must say I was completely impressed with its vigor, yield and standability. I planted it on June 4, it tasseled from August 1 and 3, and was ready to harvest by late September. Every stalk had 2 full size ears , one stalk even had 6 ears, 3 good and 3 half size. This is a perfect corn for the person wanting good yields and performance of a modern development. Plants averaged 8 to 9 feet tall. Deep red cob with rich golden kernels. 2 oz.. Pkt. $3.00 1 pound $15.00, 5 pounds $60.00 Certified Organic Seed
Reid's Yellow
Reid’s Yellow - 125 days - 12 foot stalks producing 10 inch ears of reddish yellow kernels. The open pollinated corn that many look to for returning to traditional farming, but it is not the best when it comes to stalk standability. 2 oz. Pkt. $2.00; 4 Pkts. $7.50 Certified Organic Seed
Striped Hickory King
Striped Hickory King - 120 days - 8 to 10 foot stalks, good wind tolerance, big ears, yellow with red striping on the kernels. Remember with all striped corns solid ears of the other colors will occur. You will get some solid red ears and some solid yellow ears. Ears are large and well filled but many are not 8 rowed, however kernels are still wide like other Hickory King types. 2 oz. Pkt. $2.50 4 Pkts. $9.00 Certified Organic Seed
Strubbes Blue Grey
Strubbes Blue Grey - 100 days - One of Mr. Strubbes more subtle creations. Kernel color is a pale grey to dark purple. This was one of the colors Mr. Strubbe used to enhance the corn paintings he would make using the ends of the kernels. Words cannot begin to describe the realistic look he was able to obtain by using only the ends of the kernels to make fabulous “paintings”. While this particular color is not the most outstanding, it was essential to get the proper color in the necks of male turkeys. 2 oz. Pkt $2.50 2 pkts. $4.00 Certified Organic Seed
Strubbes Red
Strubbes Red - 100 days - One of the more interesting of Mr. Strubbes corns. It has also been a puzzle as to how he selected and maintained it. We will only send the red seed, but it has consistently produced about 25% blue and white ears. Plants are around 6 to 7 feet tall with 6 to 8 inch ears. 2 oz. Pkt. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed
flint corn
(28 varieties to choose from)
Used primarily for ornamental purposes, but can be ground into meal. It produces a “crunchy” type cornmeal, but cooked for mush is excellent .Flint corns do well outside the corn belt and are excellent choices for New England and the north west and mountain states where they handle the cooler night time temperatures better. Updated for 2025
Alabama Coschatta
Alabama Coschatta- 120 days- 8 foot plants yield the most colorful and beautiful ornamental corn. Some are semi-dented on 8 to 12 inch ears. We are very excited about making this colorful corn available! this originally came to us from the eastern Texas region. 2 oz. Pkt. $2.50 Certified Organic Seed
Cheyenne Agency Striped
Cheyenne Agency Striped - 95 days - A multicolored variety from the Oscar Will collection. Good for ornamental purposes as well as for stock feed. This one does very well for us in our drier sandy areas and would be a good one for experimenting in drier areas where no irrigation is possible. 2 oz. Pkt $2.50 Certified Organic Seed UNAVAILABLE FOR 2025
Corwin Davis Colored
Corwin Davis Colored - 105 days - A rather unique flint corn that has predominantly yellow kernels with some pinkish tints and a few scattered other colors. Husks are tight and some are deep red/purple in color. Kernels appear to have a shiny coat, sort of glistening appearance. 2 oz. Pkt. $2.00; 4 Pkts. $7.50 Certified Organic Seed
Dakota White
Dakota White - 85 days - An old Oscar Will variety that is fast growing, handles drought well and is high producing for its size and nutrient requirements. Corns of this type were traditionally used for a late summer pasture. When pasture lands had dried up, you would turn the livestock in to “hog off” the crop. The 5 foot plants routinely produce two 6 inch ears with 8 rows of ivory white kernels per cob. 2 oz. Pkt. $2.75 Certified Organic Seed UNAVAILABLE FOR 2025
Dufort - 98 days - An ornamental flint/pop type corn that has ears that are usually either solid red, solid yellow or solid brown. It is productive and kernels are of a good size to use for pigeon feed. Plants get 8 to 10 feet tall with 6 to 8 inch ears. 2 oz Pkt. $2.00; 4 Pkts. $7.50 Certified Organic Seed
Garland- 85 days- a very good 8 rowed flint corn that produces either all yellow or all red ears that are 6-8 inches long. Nice 5-6 foot stalks that are sturdy and stand well in the wind. Originally from the northern New England area. 2 oz. Pkt. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed UNAVAILABLE FOR 2025
Japanese Striped
Japanese Striped- 100 days- A beautiful plant that has variegated leaves of pink, white, yellow, or purple shades. Best used as an ornamental border plant. The variegated leaves show up better in cooler growing conditions and fade quickly in the heat. 2 oz. Pkt. $2.50 Certified Organic Seed
Lenore - 100 days - I developed this variety back in the early 1980’s as a part of my senior project in college. My goal then and now is to have 100% ears that have red ears with red-brown kernels. I could go into the long genetic reason for why you will get some ears that are not red with red-brown kernels, but simply expect 75%+ of the red/red-brown kernels. The remainder will be a colorful ornamental corn. Plants grow 6 to 7 feet tall. 2 oz. Pkt. $2.50 Certified Organic Seed - OSSI pledged variety
Mulberry Mountain
Mulberry Mountain - 120 days - Another of my selections. Plants have short, well protected ears (tight husks). Plants are 8 to 10 feet tall. Many reddish purple stalks Ears resemble the colors of a ripening mulberry, shades of white, pink, and purple. We had this variety tested for protein and it came back at almost 14%. 2 oz. Pkt. 3.00 Certified Organic Seed OSSI pledged variety
flour corn
(18 varieties to choose from) . Flour corn is best adapted to areas where heavy rains are not common. Rain at harvest time can mean a total crop lost as the softness of the kernels allows fungi to grow rapidly. Raccoons and opossums have developed a fondness for these as they mature and it is seriousoy impacting our ability to get a seed crop. Updated for 2025
Use is for early season ornamental corn and can be ground into a very fine (almost wheat-like) flour.
Georgia Blue
Georgia Blue - 95 days - A rather early maturing flour corn for its large ear size. Plant gets 7 feet tall and produces several 7 to 8 inch ears of large kerneled flour corn. Most of the ears are deep purplish blue kernels but other colors are common. 2 ounce pkt. $2.75 Certified Organic Seed
Mandan Clay Red
Mandan Clay Red- 80 days- a beautiful Mandan variety that did so well for me back in north Idaho 35 years ago and finally got a decent crop here in humid Iowa. It was almost ready when the Derecho flattened it to the ground, gathered it quickly and saved most. 4 to 5 inch ears on 4 to 5 foot plants. 50 seed pkt. $2.75 Certified Organic Seed UNAVAILABLE FOR 2025
Mandan Red Flour
Mandan Red Flour - 85 days - Beautiful plants with the majority being reddish stalked and husked. Plants average about 5 feet tall and the 6 inch cobs are brightly colored shades of red kernels with some being all yellow. Cobs themselves are interesting shades of red and purple. Care must be taken to harvest as soon as mature as in humid areas the stalks and cobs do not hold up well. UNAVAILABLE FOR 2025
Seneca Round Nose
Seneca Round Nose- 90 days- Large kernels on the thickest cobs you’ll ever see. You can tell this one is from the time period when corn was hung in bundles to dry. The husks hang on to the strong cobs making it super breeding material for an ornamental corn project. Seeds are white with an occasional pink tint. Pkt. (50 seeds) $3.50 Certified Organic Seed
(27 varieties to choose from)
Ornamental as well as very tasty. The old fashioned types have better flavor, but pop up smaller than the modern hybrids. I, too, fell victim to the microwave popcorn generation, partly out of convenience. I took the time one day to read the label (even on the light versions) and realized, like most convenient foods, it is the coating - not the product that had the flavor. (Modern broiler chickens are another example.) With over 30 open-pollinated varieties in my collection, I decided it was time to do a better job of promoting better quality food. Yes, most of the popcorns we carry are ones that pop up smaller, but they are tasty with no coating, not even salt. So, give the old-fashioned ones a try. What a nutritious diet food when air-popped with no added salt or butter! It is filling, tasty, low in calories and has 0 grams of fat. UPDATED FOR 2025
Calico - 115 days - 6 to 7 foot plants that produce up to 2 ears per stalk of 6 inch ears that are either red, yellow or calico (striped red on yellow) in color. Colorful ears. A wonderful educational corn for teaching about “jumping genes”. You will get various expressions of the striping on the kernels. 1 oz. Pkt. $2.75 Certified Organic Seed
Cranston Hulless
Cranston Hulless- 120 days- 6 foot plants with 3, 4, or sometimes 6 ears, very productive, but hard to harvest as husks are tight. Do not plant too thick. Ears are 2 to 3 inches long, very tiny kernels. Suitable for miniature corn in Chinese dishes when picked young. 0.5 oz. Pkt. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed
Harvest Plum
Harvest Plum - 125 days - A selection of ours to provide more ears with a predominance of shades of pink and purple kernels. Selected for small, tiny kernels on ears that have fairly tight husks. Occasional red to purple husks can be found. The majority of the kernels will be shades of pink and purple with occasional other colors - especially shades of red. Beautiful and also very tasty when popped. Pops small, but has an exceptional nutty flavor. Plants get 7 feet tall and will usually have 2 to 3 ears per stalk. 1 oz. Pkt. $2.75 Certified Organic Seed OSSI pledged variety
Pinkadelic Pop
Pinkadelic Pop - 125 days - A very interesting selection of high yielding popcorn that has a predominance of kernel colors in the pinks, purples with some reds, pastel blues and whites. Very ornamental and very productive. Ears average 5 to 6 inches on 7 to 8 foot stalks. Popcorn is tasty as well as pretty. 1 oz. Pkt $2.75 Certified Organic Seed. OSSI pledged variety
Purple Haze
Purple Haze - 125 days - A selection of ours to provide more ears with a predominance of pink and purple kernels that have purple shaded husks. A very pretty and also tasty popcorn. Plants average between 7 and 8 feet tall and will usually have between 3 to as many as 4 ears per stalk if not crowded. Not all stalks and husks will be shades of purple, but the majority will. Kernels are small, ears average about 4 inches in length. 1 oz Pkt. $2.50 Certified Organic Seed OSSI pledged variety
Thanksgiving Bouquet
Thanksgiving Bouquet - 110 days - An ornamental popcorn of my own selection which also has very good flavor. I’ve always been fascinated by the genetics of brown kernel color in corn and how many ways the brown gene can express itself. This was named because I think of browns and related shades at Thanksgiving time. To get the full complement of brown shades, not all ears will turn out brown. The remainder will be very colorful nonetheless. Plants are 7 feet tall, 2 ears per stalk, and the ears are 6 to 7 inches long. Sand Hill Preservation Center introduction in 2005. 1 oz. Pkt. $2.00; 4 Pkts. $7.50 Certified Organic Seed OSSI pledged variety
sweet corn
Old fashioned non-hybrid sweet corns do not have the high sugar content of the modern super sweets, but they do have a true corn flavor and are nice and sweet when eaten soon after picking. They do not have the sugar enhancer gene or other genes that allow them to get sweeter the longer they are stored. They should only be tried on a limited basis if you are not familiar with the old fashioned flavor. Ear length is measured with husk removed. We are excited that we will continue to bring back more old fashioned heirloom sweet corns and we are working on a few others of our own breeding. We decided to take pictures of mature ears and not when they are young and tender to show the degree of sweetness each has. The more shriveled the kernels the sweeter the corn. Many are excellent ground and used for cornbread that is superb. UPDATED FOR 2025. With the new Soil Conservation Service policy of destroying all tress next to creek banks the stream a mile from home was deforested and it drove all of the raccoons to the farm and they nearly devoured every sweet corn crop we had. We continue to struggle with raccoons, opossums and skunks devouring our seed crops.
A very early sweet corn I obtained from a seed company in Alberta Canada back in 1982. It does not always do well here in Iowa as it prefers cooler growing conditions. Here we get too warm at night and it seems to not enjoy that. Typically here it will start to tassel when about 1 foot tall then grow rapidly and have a tall thin stalk reaching over 3 to 4 feet tall. Ears are within a few inches of the ground which can be a problem here with heavy rains and wind. Truly suited for a northern short season climate. In 2019 I planted on July 10 on the east side of some tall trees so it would be in the shade during the hot afternoons and it did well. First edible ears were the end of August and it as dry for seed and harvested by mid September. Pkt. ( approximately 50 seeds) $2.75. Certified Organic Seed.
Black Aztec
Black Aztec- 80 days - 6 foot stalks, 7 inch ears of white turning black kernels.The corns that turn from white to purple black are true indicator of the days when you could tell how edible a corn was. Before the modern long keeping varieties a person could go to the market or their garden and pull back the husk and if it was a bright white you knew the corn was young and tender if it started changing to darker colors then you knew it was getting older and tough. 1 oz. Pkt. $2.00; 4 Pkts. $8.00; 1 lb. $15.00 Certified Organic Seed
Blood Brothers
Blood Brothers - 70 days - A very productive, strong stalked variety that is a creamy color when edible, ripening to a blood red color with occasional purple red (dried blood) colored ear. While sweet, it is not super sweet and makes a good grinding corn as well. 1 oz. Pkt. $2.50; 4 Pkts. $8.00 Certified Organic Seed
Buhl - 81 days- 7 foot plants that yield up to 2 ears of nice tender sweet golden kernels. This is the best for flavor and vigor of any we offer. The plants are uniform enough to be confused for a hybrid. Consistently voted the favorite by rats, skunks, opossums, raccoons, field mice and most people. We have to fight for every seed. We were the first to make this widely available and are so pleased to see it offered in so many locations now. 1 oz. Pkt. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed
Fishers Earliest
Fisher's Earliest- 65 days- a variety developed by Fishers Seeds in Belgrade Montana. I have grown it for years, but it gets eaten by critters almost every year. A worthwhile early type of nice yellow colored kernels. 2024 we managed to keep ahead of the critters and I was very impressed with the stalk strength and ear size and I also noticed how much it resembled the old hybrid variety I grew in the early 1970's named Sunglow. I am guessing Mr.Fisher used that in its breeding, Pkt. 1 oz.$3.00 Certified Organic Seed
Jubilee- 75 days- 6 foot stalks with generally 2 large girthy ears. I had this one in my collection years ago and lost it .Located it again and even though planted in mid July it produced some very nice ears in late September, larger ears had a few ear wrom problems from that late in the season but a nice open pollinated corn 1 oz. Pkt. $3.50 Certified Organic Seed
Midnight Snack
Midnight Snack- 77 days - 5 to 6 foot stalks, 12 to 14 rows of yellow turning black kernels on 7 inch ears. Developed by Dr. Meader, introduced in the 1980’s, discontinued by most companies soon after. Another casualty to the “super sweet” generation. It is a quality sweet corn, but just is not a “sickenly” sweet corn. 1 oz. Pkt. $2.00; Certified Organic Seed
Northern Lights
Northern Lights- 55 days- another one of my creations for early seasons. Just a few days later than Yukon Supreme, this variety has similar parentage. Plants are about 4 feet tall. Many of the kernels have an aurora on them like the Northern Lights. Kernels are either white or yellow at edible stage and as they mature they get a halo of blue or red around the edge of many of the kernels. Unavailable for 2025
55 days- short 3-4 foot plans and old Oscar Will variety. When it was named the name meant "Little Black One" . It is an early short sweet corn that is white when sweetest and then turns black as the seeds mature and become less sweet. These corns that did this were an excellent type in their day to show the customer that the corn was at prime edible stage if it is white and then as it becomes older and tough it turns from white to pale purple to deep dark color. UNAVAILABLE FOR 2025
Prairie Chief
Prairie Chief- 62 days - 5 foot stalks, 8 to 12 rows of multi-shades of yellow and pale orange kernels on 5 to 6 inch ears.While not particulary sweet at the immature stage, it makes a great ground cornmeal for a slightly sweet cornbread . Developed as a slighlty larger and later and more drought tolerant early corn to follow Yukon Supreme 1 oz. Pkt. $3.50 Certified Organic Seed
Rainbow Inca
Rainbow Inca- 82 days - 6 to 7 foot stalks, 8 to 14 rows of multi-colored kernels on 7 to 8 inch ears. Stands adversity well and produces nice sized ears. While not particulary sweet at the immature stage, it makes a great ground cornmeal for a slightly sweet cornbread 1 oz. Pkt. $2.50 1 pound $20.00 Certified Organic Seed
Reverend Morrows Purple
Reverend Morrows Purple- 80 days- Reverend Morrow was an early member of the Seed Savers Exchange from Minnesota. I lost this on in the 1990’s to insects in my seed jar and was so pleased to see Kathleen Plunkett -Black of Plum Creek Seeds in Wisconsin offering it. It is a high yielder of nice full ears that ripen to a mix of purple and deep orange kernels. Plants are about 6 feet tall. 1 oz. Pkt. $2.00 Certified Organic Seed
Texas Honey June
Texas Honey June - 85 days- 8 to 9 foot plants that produce 2 to 3 ears of about 5 inch length. They appear much longer because they have very long, tight husks that make them almost totally ear worm resistant. Planted on July 6 in 2020 it grew fantastic in late summer heat. Delicious ears in late September and early October and still ripened a seed crop by mid October. 1 oz. Pkt. $3.00 Limit 1 pkt. Certified Organic Seed
Yukon Supreme
Yukon Supreme -49 days - Early and productive. Plants average about 4 feet tall and produce nice 5 inch ears that are well filled and tasty for an early corn. Kernel color is yellow with some white. When properly weeded and cared for this is a good choice for early fresh sweet corn. In 2002 the crop was planted June 17 and was ready to eat on August 1 (45 days). . I would have never believed it had I not written it down! In our “cold” summer of 2009, it was planted on June 29 and ready to eat on August 17 (49 days). In 2016 I planted it on July 11 and it was ready August 28 ( 48 days) . In 2017 with a cool August it was planted on July 3 and first edible ears were August 25 ( 53 days). A bit later this past year, but ear quality was excellent. A Sand Hill Preservation Center introduction in 1999. Be prepared because this variety sells out quickly. Pkt. ( 50 seeds) $3.50 Certified Organic Seed