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19  varieties to choose from)UPDATED FOR 2025


Plant after frost has passed and the soil has warmed.  Plants do best when there are only 3 to 4 plants per foot of row.  More drought tolerant than corn.  Packets contain 1 oz. of seed (unless otherwise noted)  which should plant around 100 foot of row.

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Black Seeded Hungarian

Black Seeded Hungarian- 130 days- A broom corn with 16” plus length brooms with deep black seeds on 8 to 10 foot stalks. This s a great one to grow for ornamental purposes as well. Louise Bastable from Massachusetts sent me this one back in the middle 1980's and it is always an eye catcher when planted near a garden edge. Louise was  the manager of a community garden and always planted it  around her "office" as she called it . Her office was a plastic shack to dodge into when it rained and this added some support with the thick growth it provided  as well as shade. Birds love the seed throughout the winter. Pkt. $1.50; 4 Pkts. $5.00   Certified Organic Seed


Iowa Red

Iowa Red- 110 days - Nice 8 to 9 foot tall broom corn - red seeded and straw is golden with reddish streaks. We obtained this variety from the  late seed saver Virgil Johnson who got it from relatives in southern Iowa many years ago. Virgil and his wife Hazel were dear friends, great seed savers and Virgil also loved his poultry.  Pkt. $1.50   Certified Organic Seed


Red Seeded Broom

Red Seeded Broom- 130 days - A broom corn with nice broom straw. Plants are not as tall as the Hungarian varieties. Broom straw is thick and stalky.  Very ornamental.  Pkt. $2.00   Certified Organic Seed


Red Seeded Hungarian

Red Seeded Hungarian- 130 days- Another Hungarian  heirloom that  we are pleased to offer again. This is a  twin variety to the black seeded version. 16 inch length brooms with deep red  seeds on 8- 10 foot plants.  Pkt. $1.50  Certified Organic Seed

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Santa Fe Red

Santa Fe Red- 95 days sparse broom straw and red seeds Birds love the seed throughout the winter. Pkt. $2.50;  Certified Organic Seed (  around 200 seeds per packet)

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White Seeded Broom

White Seeded Broom - 115 days - White seeded version of broom corn.   Pkt. $2.00  Certified Organic Seed


Primary use is for decoration and making brooms.  Also makes good bird feed.


Used for feed grain and human consumption.

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Black African

Black African - 90 days - Early, black seeded, darker grain sorghum. This one grows fast  and  does well in our sandier areas and still produces a decent crop.    Seed is a very  shiny black and  is best suited for bird feed. Pkt. $2.00   Certified Organic Seed

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White Pearl

White Pearl - 90 days - Very tall 6 to 8 feet  a least for a grain sorghum type but grows fast and has good yield.  (100 seeds)Pkt. $3.00   Certified Organic Seed UNAVAILABLE FOR 2025 lost seed to mice after harvest


Black Milo

Black Milo - 90 days - Early, black seeded, darker grain sorghum. This one grows fast  and  does well in our sandier areas and still produces a decent crop.    Seed is a very  shiny black and  is best suited for bird feed.Very similar to Black Seeded and Black African Pkt. $2.00   Certified Organic Seed 

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Black Seeded

Black Seeded- 105 days- Black seeds on 7 inch heads on 7 foot stalks.  This one tends to produce larger seed heads and stalkier plants than Black African.  Excellent ornamental, also good bird seed producer. Pkt. $2.00 Certified Organic Seed

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Crookneck Milo

Crookneck Milo - 110 days - Crookneck seed heads, some straight heads occur.  We had some  of the most beautiful plants this year that  reached 6 feet tall with large drooping crookneck heads. When given proper planting distances this is a good yielder of nice grain quality sorghum . It takes a bit of a season to get to total dryness but the heads can be quite large.  Pkt. $2.00    1 lb.  $25.00 Certified Organic Seed

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Early Hegari

Early Hegari - 80 days - a super early white seeded grain sorghum. Planted July 6 in 2024 the seed heads were ripe by late September.   Pkt. $2.00    Certified Organic Seed


Tarahumara Popping

Tarahumara Popping - 120 days - Seed frequently used after popping and then ground into a flour.  We tried popping some in an air popper (used for popcorn) and it made a very nutritious snack with a good, nutty flavor (looked like mini-popcorn). Make sure the soil is very warm before planting this one. PKT. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed

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Texicoa- 100 days - 40 inches tall, white seeded grain sorghum.  Pkt. $3.00   8 oz.  $15.00  Certified Organic Seed


Used for making syrup and seeds make great animal food.


Black Amber Cane

Black Amber Cane- 100 days - Heirloom  that  has a great flavor. Seed heads are decent sized and are paler in seed color making  them more palatable. Pkt. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed UNAVAILABLE IN 2025



Coral - 100 days - Tall and thick heads with very big stalks. Pkt. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed UNAVAILABLE FOR 2025

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Honey Drip​

Honey Drip - 120 days - Heirloom producing many tillers. Reports from sorghum  makers say this one has a great flavor. Seed heads are decent sized and are paler in seed color making  them more palatable. Pkt. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed UNAVAILABLE FOR 2025


Iowa Sweet

Iowa Sweet- 115 days- A very sweet sugar cane type, reaches about 9 feet tall with nice thick juicy stalks. This is another one from our late friends Virgil and Hazel Johnson from their families in southwest Iowa.   Pkt. $2.00 Certified Organic Seed UNAVAILABLE FOR 2025



Mennonite - 95 days - 7 feet tall, good flavor. A very high producing and good stalk  strength.  Pkt. $2.50 Certified Organic Seed


Rox Orange

Rox Orange- 115 days- A sweet sorghum, 7 to 8 feet tall. This is the common commercial variety. Seed heads are a rusty orange red color.  Pkt. $1.50; 4 Pkts. $5.00   Certified Organic Seed


Salts Red

Salts Red- 105 days- Nice, red-seeded, loose grain head.   Heirloom sweet sorghum from southern  Missouri.  Pkt. $2.50  Certified Organic Seed


Sand Mountain

Sand Mountain - 100 days - 8 feet tall, good flavor.  Another southern Missouri heirloom.  Pkt. $2.50  Certified Organic Seed


Sugar Drip

Sugar Drip - 110 days - Southern sugar syrup type. Seed  heads are a paler color, stalks are thin and flexible unless planted far apart.  Pkt. $3.00   Certified Organic Seed

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White African 

White African- 120 days - Tall (8 to 10 feet) sweet cane sorghum with white seeds. This one  is late and the seeds do not come of the heads very easily. Birds  love to get the seeds before they get a chance to fully mature.  PKT. $2.50 Certified Organic Seed



Williams - 90 days -  Seed heads are decent sized and are paler in seed color making  the seeds more palatable. Pkt. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed 


Yellow Bonnet

Yellow Bonnet - 120 days - Cane sorghum heirloom from Southern Missouri.  It has a long season, but is very sweet. Stalks seem to have less foliage than some and stalks are thicker.  Pkt. $2.00  Certified Organic Seed


Plant early in the season, thin to 1 plant every 6-8 inches for best results.  Packet plants 50 to 100 foot of row.

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Elephant  Head

95 days- an amazing looking  top like an overgrown giant cockscomb.  Pkt. $1.50  Certified Organic Seed

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Golden Giant

Golden Giant- 90 days- large heavy heads that are a golden orange in color . White seeds. Pkt.  $1.50  Certified Organic Seed. UNAVAILABLE IN 2025


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Mayo Indian

Mayo Indian- 90 days - Black seeded, robust plants.  When the first seed heads were cut, it regrew more for a second crop.  Pkt. $1.50  Certified Organic Seed

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Orange Giant

Orange Giant - 110 days - Huge 7-8 foot plants, loaded with gorgeous burnt orange seed heads.  Pkt. $2.50 Limit 1 Certified Organic Seed ( LIMIT 1 PACKET)

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Red Leaf Grain

Red Leaf Grain- 105 days - Red foliage and flower heads.  Pkt. $2.00  Certified Organic Seed  (Limit 1 Pkt.)

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Tricolor- 105 days - multicolored foliage and flower heads.  Pkt. $2.00  

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Verde- 95 days - green foliage and flower heads.  Pkt. $2.00  


Various grains that can be planted for either decoration or food purposes.

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Neiger Barley

Neiger-  beautiful dark black seeds with the stiff awns typical of barley.  A true ornamental. Plant early in the season as this  must make its growth prior to the super heat. We always struggle getting this planted soon enough in Iowa. We do not have much seed of this variety but seeing it nowhere else we want to share . Pkt.  (25 seeds) $2.50 Certified Organic Seed UNAVAILABLE FOR 2025

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Brightest Brilliant Quinoa

Brightest Brilliant-  bright colored and heavy production when the season allows.Plant early in the season as this  must make its growth prior to the super heat. Pkt. ( 50 seeds)  $2.00 Certified Organic Seed

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Black Sesame

Black- Shades of dark brown to black, Taller and more irregular than Line 31.   Pkt. $1.50 Certified Organic Seed. Plant after frost is past.  Thin to 1 plant every 4 inches. Care must be taken at harvest to keep the seed from shattering on to the ground.  Approximately 100 seeds/pkt.

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Line 31Sesame

Line 31- White seeded plants grow to about 3 1/2 to 4  feet tall.  Pkt. $2.00  Certified Organic SeedPlant after frost is past.  Thin to 1 plant every 4 inches. Care must be taken at harvest to keep the seed from shattering on to the ground.  Approximately 300 seeds/pkt UNAVAILABLE FOR 2025

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Brown Teff

Brown Teff- A graceful grass, landscape plant.  Seed is very tiny.  Used as a cereal grain.  Approximately 10,000 seeds/pkt.  Pkt. $2.00

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