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Our turkey building finally was finished in July. I started it over my Christmas break but with so much to do never had time to  work on it after that. Once school was over Jeremy started to work for us and even though he had never built anything before he had a talent  and ability to cover up my  mistakes and get the job doen. 


Our turkey breeder flocks were hit very hard by Buffalo Gnats at the end of May and all of June in 2013.  In the end we lost more than 65% of our adults.  The remainder had trouble recovering from massive blood loss and stress.  Thousands upon millions of Buffalo Gnats descended upon the pens each day late in the afternoon when there was no breeze, driving the birds nuts as the gnats crawled in the turkey’s ears and covered the exposed skin on the head, sucking blood.  This seriously impacted our numbers and plans.


NOTE:  No turkey poults will be shipped by us to the State of Minnesota.  We are very sorry, but your state Agriculture department requires over 6 blood tests that cannot be done realistically or economically around here.


Any who raises turkeys is aware of the issues, when raising chickens and turkeys together - that being the condition of blackhead (a complex disease that turkeys get from chickens).  Our sandy soil (good drainage) helped keep things in check for over 20 years, but our conditions have changed and we are now having periodic outbreaks.  (Please see Storey’s Guide To Raising Poultry (4th ed) for an explanation.


We dearly love our turkey flocks and are constantly doing research on the benefits of raising chicks and poults together to prevent Marecks in chickens.  We will always continue to raise turkeys, but our poult supply will be variable.  When we started this operation in 1989 turkey genetic supplies were at an all time low and we felt pressured to do all we could to maintain and put all our efforts into perpetuation.  Fortunately, times have changed and there are now multiple sources for some.


Our new project will be to continue to select for the hardiest birds to withstand Blackhead.  Hopefully, we can do what has been labeled the impossible by the professionals and breeders - Blackhead resistant turkeys.


ALL TURKEYS WILL BE SENT BY EXPRESS MAIL AND THAT IS INCLUDED IN THE PRICE WHEN YOU ORDER 15. THIS YEAR ASSORTED ONLY UNTIL WE SEE HOW THINGS GO AND AS WE INCREASE OUR BREEDER FLOCKS. Illinois and Wisconsin customers yours will be sent by Speedee Delivery and  you may deduct $30 from the total cost .  2025 price is 15 poults for $250.00 postage included for Express Mail. Feel free to list your breed preferences and if we have them we will honor that request.No guarantees


2025 HATCH DATES: April 29; May 13, 27; June 10,24; July 8,22; August 5,19 SOLD OUT THROUGH MAY 27,2025







Beltsville Small White

Beltsville Small White- a small white turkey developed over 60 years ago when people still used reason in breeding programs and these can reproduce and grow on their own without man helping them breed and reproduce like the modern giant white turkeys. These unfortunately were kept in a biologically sterile environment isolated from the world for a number  of years and for the past several we have been exposing them to things like soil , grass and outside freee rnaging to help only breed from birds that can survive in the real world . We hope to offer them individually next year.

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Blue Slate

Blue Slate- one of my favorite breeds. One of the first I read about years ago and dreamed of seeing someday. they are are nice slate blue color but typical of blue genetics will produce some splash like birds and some black. They are nice sized and for me are always friendly and easy to deal with. In fact one  time we had a male from a zoo that closed the was a giant pet and followed me everywhere.



Bronze- the old traditional wild type looking bird that has some beautiful colors in the feathers when the light reflects off of them. 


Black Spanish

Black Spanish-  beautiful  deep black feathers with occasional off feather . They have always shown the greatest tolerance to disease and pests.



Chocolate-  a beautiful deep chocolate brown. We first obtained these in the eary 1990's and with the help of Paula Johnson in New Mexico we worked together to keep them from extinction. Paula was able to get them to a commercial hatchery in New Mexico and now thanks to all of the work  they are doing well and can be seen again.  Very few peopel realize how clsoe they came to disappearing to extinction back in the 1990's

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Lilac-  definitely in my opinion very pleasing to look at. Controversial as many do not feel what is shown is them. I operate under the ideas set forth by the lat Dr. Buss from Penn State. He sent me the  genetic formula which is why you will not always get  what is shown. When we begin to offer them individually I will provide the genetic ratio of offspring.



Narragansett- a very old colorful and hardy breed. They get to a decent and reasonable size for naturally mating turkeys.

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Royal Palm

Royal Palm- considered a heritage breed but developed in the mid  part of the 1900's. they are colorful and hardy and I have had htem steal out nests and raise brood totally on what they find  in nature. they are not as large as many heritage breeds.

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White Holland

White Holland- a naturally mating reasonable sized white turkey that is friendly and hardy as well. They are a nice sized bird for the table and easy to clean and dress out. You will not get any super sized  monsters like in the modern white turkeys but you will get a hardy and self sustaining bird that has great flavor.

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