Heirloom Seeds & Poultry
1878 230th Street, Calamus, IA 52729
(563) 246-2299
(54 varieties to choose from)
Unless otherwise noted, all packets will contain 15 to 20 seeds. Plant after danger of frost is past or start indoors 2 weeks prior and set out. We recommend covering young transplants with milk jugs which have the bottom cut out for a week or so. Most varieties do best if you have a hill of 3 plants every 6 to 8 feet. Blacktail Mountain and other early varieties can be planted closer. Updated for 2025
Clay County
Clay County- 80 days- pale green with darker green stripes rather blocky fruit shape , very productive. The issue was it ripened as we were getting about 5 inches of rain a week and it had tendency to burst open. Flesh is a yellow orange in color and very refreshing. An heirloom from the south and worth growing everywhere. Pkt $2.00 Certified Organic Seed
Honey Island
Honey Island - 83 days - Thanks to Richard Wolfe for helping us increase this and for helping us to keep this going. Richard contacted us looking for seed at one of those times when we were swamped and this one was perishing in the collection. I sent him seed and he perpetuated it and sent us back a new, larger fresh seed sample for us to increase and we are now ready to get it circulated again. This was last offered commercially in 1987. A nice, icebox size melon that has bright lemon yellow flesh and a dark green rind with faint stripes. Pkt. $2.25 Certified Organic Seed
Sand Mountain Sunshine
Sand Mountain Sunshine - 82 days - Gary Glover of Alabama sent us this sure fire hit with melon lovers. Planted July 3 in 2018, it roared to heavy vine production and fruit production with lots of 15 to 20 lb blocky, oblong fruits, medium green fruits with slight striping. Flesh is incredibly refreshing, pale yellow, not intensely sweet, but each leaves you wanting more. I find it very similar to Orangeglo. Pkt. $2.25 Certified Organic Seed
pink or red fleshed
Arikara- 75 days- we are thankful to Darian Kath at Knife River Indian Village National Historical Site in North Dakota that sent us the fresh sample of this. I first saw this variety in early August of 1984 at the Museum of the Fur Trade in Chadron Nebraska. Small vines, hand sized fruit that was very seedy. At one point in history it must have been a taste treat for the farming Native Americans and early white settlers of the high plains. Now with so many larger less seedy and sweeter types it has probably past its glory time. I maintained it for many years losing my supply to some seed weevils. I am pleased to have it again. I challenge folks to grow a sample maybe just a plant or to to see how plant breeding ( not genetic engineering ) has changed this primitive sort into the modern more favorable cultivars. Too often in todays easy gratification world we forget how great something like this must have tasted before the high surgery sodas and refined sugar products of today. Planted July 20 in 2021 it grew in minimal moisture and produced melons in early October.Pkt. $1.50 Certified Organic Seed.
Blacktail Mountain
Blacktail Mountain- 73 days- My own development, created while I lived in northern Idaho, a location which has cool 35 to 45 degree nights and short seasons. The fruit is dark green with very faint stripes, flesh is an orange red similar to Sugar Baby. Continuously, it is my earliest type in over 100 varieties grown each season. Fruit averages 6 to 10 pounds. Our son, Cory, and family moved to a new home in mid-July, 2013 and he wanted to plant a garden. He stuck in some Blacktail Mountain seed on July 18 and was rewarded in late September with an abundance of nice sized ripe melons. I planted the crop on June 19 in 2016 and the first ripe on was August 28 ( 70 days) with a continuous supply thru the end of October. Pkt $1.75; 2 Pkts. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed OSSI pledged variety
Chelsea- 90 days-Unlike most heirlooms which were maintained in a single family for generations, Chelsea was raised commercially in the river bottom valley of it's origin in Chelsea, Iowa. A large pink melon with a pale green rind, this variety is sweet and reliable in seasons which are hot and dry. The seed for our start came from a gentleman named Marvin who saved this variety from extinction and also supplied Seed Saver's Exchange with their start of the great variety. Marvin still lives in Chelsea and still raises this variety. When we obtained our seeds Marvin sent a note stating, "When I was in country school back in the 40's we always had a Chelsea melon every Friday afternoon when melon's were in season. Everyone living along Highway 212 Northeast and Northwest of Chelsea would be selling these watermelons in triple box wagons along the highway. - Marvin." Pkt. $2.50
Certified Organic Seed
Halbert's Honey
Halbert’s Honey - 88 days - One of my early friends in the seed saving world was Virgil Johnson who always claimed this was the best. We are finally able to offer this dark green rind, oblong melon with very sweet crisp, pink/red flesh and white seeds. Fruits average 20 to 30 pounds. Pkt. $2.00 Certified Organic Seed
Ice Cream
Ice Cream- 90 days- an variety my friend Tom Knoche searched for for years. When he finally got sample it was crossed with a black seeded type so there is still a chance some will come out black seeded. Bright Pink flesh and a thick rind.Flesh just looks soft like cotton candy Pkt. $2.50 Certified Organic Seed
King Winter
King Winter - 86 days - Larger of the two keeping types. Fruits are typically in the 15 to 20 lb range, skin is greenish white with faint streaks. Fruits, when picked just before peak ripeness, will ripen gradually and keep for 3 months when stored in a cool location. Pkt. $2.00 Certified Organic Seed
New Hampshire Midget
New Hampshire Midget- 76 days- Small vines, very productive with pale green, slightly striped fruits about the size of your hand, pale red flesh. Rind is very thin, quality is good when picked young. Overripe it is of low quality. This variety nearly became extinct as all commercial suppliers suddenly stopped carrying it in the early 1990’s. Pkt. $2.50 Certified Organic Seed
Pride of Iowa (aka Iopride)
Pride of Iowa (aka Iopride)- 95 days- Dark green skin with darker green stripes,deep pink red flesh, tan seeds. For years I never really gave it high marks as it was always planted in a poor location, in 2024 it got planted in a good spot, did very well and has super crisp sweet flesh deserving of its name. Pkt. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed
Royal Golden
Royal Golden- 85 days- The perfect melon for those who want to be sure to know how to pick a ripe melon. Melons turn bright yellow to light orange (skin) when they are ripe. Flesh is red, tender and sweet. Occasional off type longer fruit can be expected. Fruits weigh 10 to 15 pounds. Pkt. $3.00 Certified Organic Seed
Schlechter- 80 days- a very old early melon. Story goes it was imported from the Ukraine when the Volga Germans immigrated to America. It is a very early melon, sweet but very seedy. I have been told a syrup like material was made from the flesh and seeds were ground into a coffee like beverage when brewed. This is a melon from the times when people were looking for something that could be used multiple ways. Pkt. $2.00 Certified Organic Seed
Siberian Lights
Siberian Lights- 70 days- sent to us by several people for its earliness and productivity. It did very well from a July 3 planting this year and may be earlier than Blacktail Mountain. I will do a same day side by side planting next year to check. Fruit is similar in size and shape to Blacktail Mountain but it does not hold well. When they are ripe they are ripe . Pkt. $2.00 Certified Organic Seed
Wilson Sweet
Wilson Sweet- 85 days- A uniquely colored melon that we were pleased to reintroduce to the public after many years of being out of circulation. We were thrilled when a customer sent us a sample of this variety which I’d only seen a picture of in a 1961 seed catalog. The rind is somewhat mottled in appearance giving it excellent sunburn resistance. The 10 to 20 pound melons have solid, firm, super sweet red flesh. Part of our goal and work here is to see material get picked up and carried by other places. When we first offered this we were the soul source, now we are pleased to see it being offered in wholesale amounts and by numerous companies. Bravo! One more saved from extinction. Pkt. $2.25
Wintermelon - 83 days - Another keeping watermelon. Fruits are very similar to King Winter with the pale, greenish white skin color and pale pink flesh. While tasty and a super treat in mid-winter, they are very seedy. They need to be picked just prior to complete ripeness and carefully wiped off to remove surface fungi. Sometimes a mild bleach solution works well. Place them where they are not touching each other in a cool storage area where it is around 50 deg. F. When I was in drier Idaho, I could pick them in mid-October and still have nice melons in mid-February. There are more fungi and humidity here in Iowa, so I usually can’t get past early January from a mid-October picking. Pkt. $2.25 Certified Organic Seed
Wondermelon- 93 days- Oblong, dark green, 25 to 40 pound melons, white seeded with pink red flesh. Planted in our least favorable isolation garden in 2016 we harvested over 40 fruits from 3 hills that each melon weighed from 30-45 pounds. Very thick rind suitable for pickles. Pkt. $1.50 1 oz. $6.00 Certified Organic Seed